Let's play the literal devil's advocate for a moment and assume there's such a thing as demons - how do you know if you've encountered one?
Historically, dancing with the devil is no joke. Whether we're discussing demons from religious mythos or non-demoninational ones..whoops... we mean non-denominational - either way, legend has it they're a force to be reckoned with and they haunt using some pretty distinct markers.
Signs of Demonic Hauntings
We don't buy into this Hollywood-ized version of demons, like in
The Exorcist, but we reserve an open mind for some sort of dark energy beyond human understanding.
Just for fun though, we've compiled the theoretical signs of a demonic presence, according to mostly white people.
On a [Western Abrahamic] religious note, demons are said to do things (like knock, scratch, schedule) in a way that revolves around the ominous number 3.
The running theory behind this behaviour is that satanic forces invert the time Christ supposedly died (3 p.m.) to make a statement, therefore becoming more active at 3 a.m. (the Witching/Devil's Hour). The symbology also suggests a mocking of the Holy Trinity (the 3; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).
Noticing these numeric symbols and/or awakening each morning at 3am, could be noteworthy patterns.
It's said that during a demonic haunting or infestation, it's common for food to rot quickly and severely - though this is likely a work of fiction.
Similarly, experiencing flocks of bugs or birds is a sign of a dark presence. Dead birds and animals showing up outside the property are thought to be bad omens, while flies and maggots may show up indoors, attracted to the rot.
Dark, inhuman spirits are said to be master manipulators with an uncanny ability to do amazing impressions, often taking on the vocal tones of small children and living people who are present in the space. Using trickery, familiarity, persuasion, and pure performative/observational talent to lure their victims, they target the most vulnerable by pretending to be vulnerable. Don't be fooled.
Where most people report cold spots in typical hauntings, many report heat in more malevolent settings. It begs the question, do spirits cause temperature fluctuations directly or do they add/subtract energy in the room to affect the surrounding environment? Are they bringing some sort of hell with them?
A key difference in these types of hauntings (theoretically) is the elevated levels of physical activity. These entities seem to be able to interact with our physical plane more easily than other beings and can throw things/people, inflict superficial wounds onto skin, short-circuit many devices, and create depressions on surfaces.
On top of being physically stronger, they also seem to be able to inflict harm mentally with ease. Victims often report dark/suicidal thoughts, night terrors, hearing voices, extreme fatigue, changes in personality, isolation, and mood swings. Partial possessions and total possessions are often reserved to these types of entities.
With a more impactful energy, they'd tend to manifest more easily, providing more vivid visual evidence and clear/loud audio evidence - though we'll believe it when we see it.
Putrid Smell
Demons stink to high hell, pun intended. If you're noticing a sulfur smell, first check for a gas leak or a gassy pet - next, get the salt. It's no coincidence demons smell like literal fire and brimstone and rot…or is it? Could just be that avocado that decided to go from 0 to 100 on the rot scale overnight, as they do. Could be some houseguests not fessing up to some flatulence. The realistic possibilities are endless.
Animals will likely become deeply affected and uneasy by the presence of a dark entity, potentially even being attacked. When they'd normally bark at a spirit, in this context they'd cower.
Story goes that demons are attracted to toxicity and chaos. The laws of attraction apparently play a big role since dark entities must 'feed' off of darkness itself in order to be self-sustainable. Demonic claims tend to be reported by households with addicts, divorce, violence, depression, death/grief, secrets, etc present. Sounds a little victim-blamey to us.
Religious Repulsion
Demonstrating direct interaction with religious paraphernalia could symbolize a demonic haunting, as well as a rebellion (increase in activity) in response to prayer/readings of sacred passages/presence of spiritual leaders/blessings. You could find yourself in the midst of a battle between the forces of good and evil - and they are mortal enemies…
Of course C.L.A.S.S.-A doesn't subscribe to much of this "spiritualism" hoopla or dramatics, but we do find it entertaining and interesting. There are many people around the world claiming to experience combinations of these paranormal 'symptoms'.
It's important to note that these are very Westernized beliefs and many cultures around the world do not view demons as dark or threatening entities and instead work with them in channeling ceremonies and receptions. Many see the devil as the gatekeeper of evil, and therefore don't understand the demonization (for lack of a better word) of the guy keeping the evil locked up and punished.
Others see all of this as signs of mental illness, gullibility, and delusion.
We're just skeptical of anything until proven otherwise. It's kind of our thing. Anyway, if you're experiencing a culmination of these factors, first check in with your doctor, check for gas and/or EMF leaks, then, if those are ruled out, get in touch with us here!